

What is anxiety?


Anxiety can be generalized, or more specific. It can show up as a pervasive worry about the future. It can appear as irritability, road rage, or a constant fear that others are judging you. Anxiety often appears alongside a fear of change or uncertainty. Because of this, many people try to control aspects of their life that are out of their hands. This leads to frustration, and ironically, more anxiety.

Anxiety can interfere with life in many ways. One way is through avoiding the things that make you anxious. This makes life feel smaller and smaller, as more and more things are avoided. Anxiety is also exhausting. We pay a price for our nervous system to stay in a place of hypervigilance, causing exhaustion at the end of the day.


How can therapy help?


There are very effective treatments for anxiety. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and exposure based therapies are helpful in learning how to approach the things that make you anxious, and work through the thoughts that are perpetuating a fear response. Often, we are reacting to our thoughts as opposed to the actual, objective situation. Understanding this and then changing our thoughts and behaviors can improve our interactions with the world and decrease anxiety.


Why choose us?


With great training and experience in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, we can help you overcome anxiety and live more fully, finding more fulfillment, joy, and connection in your life. We will work with you in a hands on, goal oriented approach so that you will see change and growth in your life.