

What is grief?


Grief is a complex, painful, and difficult process. It can be defined as the pain and sorrow one goes through after a loss. Of course, this can be after the death of a loved one. But it can also include significant life transitions, including divorce, moving, a change in family structure, or the loss of a relationship.


How can therapy help?


Many people feel like they “should” grieve in a certain way. However, grief looks different for everyone. Finding self compassion and acceptance for what your specific process looks like is imperative in moving through the stages of grief. The five stages of grief are often talked about (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance), but people generally move through them in different orders and at times, concurrently. Working with a therapist provides a safe, supportive environment to work through the loss you have experienced, and explore how your worldview may have shifted due to this loss. This will offer hope for a brighter future.


Why choose us?


We will work with you to process your emotions regarding your loss, and also the cognitions and broader worldviews that may have shifted. Through this, you will find acceptance for what you have been through, and the ability to see the world in a new way. We will provide you a safe, compassionate environment to work through all the messy stages of grief, so that you can experience a brighter future.