Relationship Difficulties


Understanding relationship difficulties


Often, people come to therapy because they are struggling in their relationships. This can be exclusively in romantic partnerships, with friends, co-workers, or across the board. Often, this can be due to an issue with attachment, meaning, how we connect emotionally to others. Additionally, communication, boundaries, and personality factors can all play a role.


How can therapy help?


Therapy is a great place to better understand how you relate, communicate, and attach to other humans. Gaining a better understanding of your particular attachment and communication style will empower you with the first step, which is insight. Secondly, therapy can give you the tools to move in a more effective direction in your relations to others.


Why choose us?


Using skills from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Attachment Based Psychotherapy, and Emotion Focused Family Therapy, we can work with you from many angles. We will work on your attachment, how you respond emotionally in the moment, as well as give you tools for improving your way of relating to and communicating with others. This flexible and scientific approach will help you feel better connected to others, which we believe is the foundation for joyful life.