

What is stress?


We’re all familiar with stress. It can show up when you have three exams in one week. Or when you have a new baby and you’re trying to balance a full-time career. Stress can show up when you have too many expectations, feel disorganized with your schedule, or are overly committed.


How can therapy help?


Unfortunately, we cannot fully control what stressful events show up in our lives. However, therapy can help you organize and manage your commitments more effectively. Then you can give more time and attention to the most valuable areas of your life, while decreasing other less valuable commitments. Often, this can include working on assertiveness and boundaries. Additionally, obtaining a better understanding of how you are reacting to the stressors in your life will decrease the negative impact of these events. This is done through mindfulness and cognitive behavioral strategies.


Why choose us?


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is an effective tool for working on one’s reactions to stress. We also work with clients to find better systems of organization so that typically stressful events (ie: exams, deadlines, commitments) are better seen from a bird’s eye view and therefore planned for more effectively. From college students to business executives, we work with people to find better organization, prioritization, and stress management tools.